Monthly Archives: June 2014
Concept Drawing of Pond Racing
Two boys are racing boats have their faces to the sun. The others in the painting will all be backlit. Here is the rough in.
Painting of Grapes – 3rd Sitting
Here is the third sitting of the grapes! Besides the fact that I like to drink wine, I was inspired to paint this by two events. First, we took a tour of the Boordy Vineyards. The tour was very … Continue reading
Marine Still Life Painting – 3rd Sitting
After practicing my ellipses for the binoculars I sat down to get the majority of the painting done. Here are the results. If you just draw circles, the painting looks cubist instead of realistic. Or, if not cubist, the painting … Continue reading
Marine Still Life First Draft
Here is my initial layout of the painting. You can see that I start the painting by sketching the elements in, checking to make sure it all fits the way I want on the canvas and that it looks good … Continue reading